What Does Recovery Really Mean in Mental Health?
6 Reading Time: 3 minutes What does recovery truly mean? For a long time, I didn’t know what it really meant to me. When you have a severe mental health diagnosis, a chronic illness, functional impairments, or are considered low-functioning by...
The Rise of Virtual Healthcare and How Telemedicine Is Reshaping Mental Health and Addiction Recovery
3 Reading Time: 3 minutes Telemedicine has transformed healthcare in ways that were unimaginable just a decade ago. Once considered a convenience, virtual healthcare is now a cornerstone of modern medical practice, providing patients with faster, more accessible treatment options...
How to Include Rehabilitation Costs in Life Care Planning
7 Reading Time: 3 minutes Rehabilitation costs are a vital consideration in life care planning, ensuring individuals receive the necessary treatment to recover and maintain their quality of life. In Pennsylvania, life care plans address everything from physical therapy and...
Vocational Programmes in Norway Show Promise for Schizophrenia Care
11 Reading Time: 2 minutes A recent study conducted in Norway highlights the transformative role of vocational rehabilitation programmes in improving the lives of individuals with schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SSDs). Researchers examined the impact of a tailored initiative called the...